CooEE is a stand-alone application for monitoring both version 1 and 2 Echo360 capture appliances and SCHD appliances.
Any number of lecture rooms can be displayed with CooEE, from a single Echo360 capture right up to every Echo360 enabled venue in the campus. With a simple GUI you can split monitoring out to specific locations, or even have a video wall of multiple monitors showing every venue for a 'god-view' of Echo360 recordings in all theaters at the same time.
CooEE alerts users about any problems during the lecture in a simple visual format using graphical icons that are instantly recognisable.
CooEE informs the users of both past, current and upcoming lectures visually, making support easier.
CooEE is a 24/7 monitoring solution that does not need any user intervention to do its work.
Lecture failures
The most common point of failure in lecture capture recordings has, time and again, been identified by administrators of Echo360 as occuring in the venue. Microphone and video faults, easily fixed, cause most recording failures. Until now, the problem has been to quickly and easily identify them before multiple lectures are lost. Once a lecture is lost it is gone forever, unless the lecturer re-records it. A recording has been calculated as costing thousands of dollars in equipment, resources and lost time. CooEE aims to reduce that incidence to zero with real time monitoring, enabling microphone, display and camera faults to be instantly identified and corrected either immediatley, or with minimal loss of future recordings.
The Problem
Confidence monitoring capabilities in Echo360 capture appliances are limited and require constant checks to ensure they capture that all important lecture. Detailed information about the current capture and confidence monitoring images are separated and thus it is almost impossible to have an overview of what exactly is going on. Scale this out to 50+ venues and it becomes an impossible task. Add to this a constant stream of suspect warning messages and the real problems get lost in the noise. CooEE addresses this issue and filters the signal from the noise as well as automating many manual processes.
CooEE has been designed to be used as a separate easy-to-use one-to-multi screen application that gives administrators, students, AV staff and lecturers information about all the current captures occuring.
These display screens feeds can be distributed and broken down to specific rooms, monitoring the current and next Echo360 capture.
CooEE also has icon alerts to let administrators know of any possible errors with environmenatal (such as temperature), hardware(fans, disks), video (RGB,HSV,gray scale), display and audio inputs.
CooEE provides a simple and reliable confidence monitoring solution to system administrators of Echo360, lecturers and professors. The application can be installed on an old computer and will run 24/7.
Students, Lecturers and professors can step into the lecture hall and just by looking at the computers screen see when will the next capture start. During the capture CooEE gives contant updates on the health of each recording, and visually alerts the administrators when there is a problem with one of the inputs.
This product is activily developed with new releases and features being added regularly.
Upgrades are easy with a single deployment step, and backups of historical data can all be handled within the application itself.
IT administrators
The IT administrator(s) can monitor all the capture appliances in their institution individually or all at once from one simple interface. The monitoring of individual venues can be delegated out to remote locations easily such as might occur with multiple campuses.
The system produces detailed historical reports going back, up to one year, on the status of every venue and every single recording.
It also calculates the percentage of successful and failed recordings so Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) can be discovered, as well as problem venues so effort can be spent where it will have the most effect.
Installation and configuration of CooEE
Being designed around javascript and a minimal message architecture, the hardware requirements of CooEE are quite small. A standard desktop PC is capable of monitoring a hundred venues.
Full instructions are included with each release, and is usually as simple as installing Linux, Apache, and running a few yum updates.
Features of CooEE
- Monitoring of multiple capture appliances from one application
- Monitoring of multiple capture appliances from one location or delegated to multiple locations
- Confidence monitoring and visual alerts of missing inputs during the capture
- Audio level monitoring with a graphical VU meter
- Video monitoring of the overhead screen
- Camera monitoring, no matter what the type of camera chosen
- HSV, RGB, & Gray Scale breakdown of the video and camera signals to pinpoint issues with individual channels
- Displaying information about the next/current capture in the venues
- Displays your timezone corrected times of all recordings, not GMT
- Full historical data kept for a year
- Graphing of over 10 operational performance metrics for each venue
- Lecture Environment Status provides a room by room report of each success/failure over time
- Auto configuration from Echo360 settings means minimal setup
- No need to login into appliances - CooEE handles the login automatically
- Minimal appliance load (less load than the embedded SCHD monitor application)
- Safe; Only performs reads on the ESS, so it cannot alter a schedule or affect a current recording
- Multi-platform (Linux and Mac OS X)
- Automatic configuration of visual alerts
- Automatic detection and visual alerts about network connection problems to the capture appliance
- Historical graphing of events
- Environmental status
- Hardware issues detected
- Full detailed breakdowns of video signals
- Simple debugging of capture and connection issues
What technology is CooEE using?
CooEE has been created as a standalone application sitting atop Apache and using some other select opensource programs for specific features. It will work both with and without integration with Echo360 servers, depending upon your requirements.
It has been successfully installed on Linux (RHEL 7+), Centos, and Mac OS X.
Why the name CooEE?
Cooee! (IPA /ku:'i:/) is a shout used in the Australian bush, to attract attention, warn away
dropbears, or to
test if there is an echo off
distant mountains. It carries a long way when used correctly, and seemed a fitting name for checking on the existence of recorded Echos.